Swarna Bhoomi Vermi Compost 1 Kg


A nutrient-rich organic compost and soil conditioner produced by the decomposition of pure cow dung by earthworms of Eisenia fetida species.



Swarna Bhoomi Vermi Compost – 1 Kg

A nutrient-rich organic compost and soil conditioner produced by the decomposition of pure cow dung by earthworms of Eisenia fetida species.

Suitable for: Arecanut, Coconut, Banana, Pepper, Cotton, Coffee, Sugarcane, Paddy, Chilly, Rubber, Vegetable farming, Fruits plantation, Gardening, and many other crops including for sustainable farming practices such as organic farming and permaculture.

Benefits: Provides all the essential macro and micronutrients to the plants, Enhances germination, plant growth, and crop yield, Restores soil health from continuous chemical abuse, Improves soil aeration, Improves soil fertility, Improves water holding capacity, Improves plants’ disease resistance and pest resistance, Enhances soil microbial activity, etc.

Note that the product only contains compost (soil-like matter) and does not contain any earthworms.